Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Amanda's Diary: Girlfriend

Amanda's family is Catholic. Amanda is gay. And she's having a hard time getting her parents to understand that this is not just a phase.

"When I was in the first grade, I remember one day we were playing a game that was kind of like Sleeping Beauty where like the prettiest girl on the block fell asleep on a picnic bench. And you know, somebody had to go and wake her up, to like, kiss her and revive her and it would always be one of the boys. And I always felt like I wanted to go and revive her."

Amanda's Diary was part of the Teenage Diaries series produced by Joe Richman/Radio Diaries. The series was originally broadcast on NPR's All Things Considered.

Length 12:07

Radio Diaries is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people document their own lives for public radio. To find out more and to hear all our stories, visit

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